Sunday, June 17, 2012

Lazy Sunday

I love that my boss gives me almost every Sunday off. I can relax for a bit before cleaning my apartment. Intensely. Because it's falling apart. (Literally. There is a piece of the ceiling in my bathtub.)

I'm still job-hunting though. I am a little frustrated at how long it is taking to find something, but I'm learning to be patient. I've had a couple of interviews, one wasn't a good fit, and the other seemed a little sketchy. I'm being picky about it because I want to make sure that if I'm hired somewhere, it will be a place where I feel comfortable. I wouldn't even mind staying in retail, as long as I'm not selling credit cards anymore. Or if it was a book store... I'd really enjoy working in a book store.

It doesn't look like Jamie's moving to the States anymore. And no wonder; I was curious about how easy it would be to get a work visa in Australia or England or France (you know, in case grad school didn't work out for me again next year)... It's wicked hard. Like, you kind of have to be a huge fucking deal to get any kind of a job outside of your own country, and in some cases the company has to prove that no one in their own country can do that job. Ridiculous.

I'm still looking for a roommate, online now. But I'm being flexible. If I happen to find a great roommate or two, then awesome. I'm not banking on it though, so I'm also looking at one-bedroom apartments... because I do like living alone. Quite a lot. It would just be cheaper and more social to have a roomie. Because it is HARD to be social when you live alone. Seriously. Very difficult, and it will be made more difficult when Emily and Josh move to Iowa, seeing as how most of my social time is spent with them.

On the audition front, nothing new. I didn't get the part in Twelfth Night, which was at first a little disappointing, but I found that I was very okay with it very quickly. At the call-backs I did feel like it was between me and one other girl for Viola, and I think she got it because stylistically, she would have fit in better with all of those emoting Orsinos and Olivias. (Seriously, there was a lot of emoting.) But it was still a fun experience, and I got to read for one of my favorite roles for an afternoon.

I think I may have a modern comedic monologue picked for future auditions. I think I'm going to give Durang a shot... I used it for my audition at the American Heartland Theatre back in April, and even though I have yet to hear from them at all, it did get me a couple of laughs. I'm going to work on it and we'll see how it goes.