Monday, February 21, 2011

Hey, it's an actual blogging-style blog post!

You know, I think I need a boyfriend.

I'm not pining because I'm lonely, don't get me wrong. I was just thinking the other night, a lot of what I haven't experienced in life that most other people my age have is due to the fact that I've never really had a relationship. (Okay, it sounds like I'm pining, but I swear I'm not so stick with me here). It was a very honest revelation, and I just wanted to say it. Or write it, whatever.

Now, on to other things.

I wonder how many people have been to every single country in the world. Probably no Americans (since we can't go to Cuba). But how cool would that be? It would take probably an entire lifetime if you wanted to really see each country--which, who freaking wouldn't?!--but to say that you have done it, and that you have experienced every culture that our planet has to offer... I mean, what kind of a person would that produce? I imagine a very wise, tolerant person would emerge. Well-learned and well-read. The person would probably end up with a very practiced, if not refined, palate. It's not something I think I could ever do, financially speaking, but it's something I wonder about.

I'd like to try to visit every country in Europe if I could. Technically I could say I already have the UK and France under my belt, but I won't. I barely even got to see London (we were only there for five hours), and the only part of France I saw was Paris. If I want France down, I think I'd have to go to wine country and see at least one French chateau. And I do want to go back to Paris so I could see a few things I didn't get to see the first time around. But forget seeing Paris, I'd love to live there. I think that might be a part of my retirement plan.

In personal news, I went to Grand Island this weekend to see my dad get married to his long-time girlfriend, Cheri. It was really nice. The wedding ceremony was very small, it lasted only 15 minutes, we got to wear jeans, and it was just a nice day with a few members of the family. I'm really, really happy for my dad.

It is a little strange to have new step-siblings. I've only met them twice now, and even though I can tell they're both really nice people, we haven't really had proper conversations with each other. We're Facebook buddies now, so hopefully that can progress a little bit. It's not something to be forced by any means, but I'd like to make sure that come Christmas-time, we'll have something to say to each other.

That's about it for now. Stay classy, San Diego.


Tricia said...

ANd thanks for stopping by.

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