Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Music for the Lover and the Hater

So, during my time here in Omaha I have developed some new tastes in my music. I've been listening to a lot more Elton John and a lot more old musicals, but the strange thing is, I've developed a taste in pop.

Let me clarify here. I still don't listen to the radio, I definitely still don't listen to rap, and I'm still iffy on hip-hop in general. I've just kind of started liking a few artists. It started with Gaga last year. And then I started liking Jesse McCartney and definitely Katy Perry, and I'm okay with it. Do I like everything they do? No, but that's rare for any artist I like. I'll even listen to a Bieber tune here and there (shocking, right?).

Okay, now read that last sentence again. Did you judge me just now? Because I'm pretty sure you did.

And that's the huge, huge, huge downside to this new development in taste. These artists--yes, ALL of these that I have listed here--have merit. All of them write, or at least co-write, much of their own music, all of them (except Jesse McCartney, that I know of) play instruments (Bieber plays THREE at the age of 17), they all clearly worked hard to get where they are, and continue to work their asses off... Yet I am judged almost every time I mention that I like any one of them. I mean there are some people who will agree with me on occasion, but most of the time I get the "You have really terrible taste in music" look.

Which pisses me the hell off. Because I DON'T have terrible taste in music. If I did, someone I respect would have told me by now. Know who else I've been listening to a lot of lately? Florence + the Machine, Regina Spektor, Elton John, Marina and the Diamonds, Janelle Monae, and The Von Bondies, to name a few. I have a very eclectic taste. Just because I like some pop music (not even all of the really trashy pop, just some pop) does not mean I have bad taste. And since when is pop always equivalent to terrible?

I was vilified this weekend by some kid I didn't even know just because I mentioned that I like "Firework" by Katy Perry. Have you ever listened to it? It's completely empowering! And I was told I have poor taste, because he's "a music major, so he studies it full-time." No. It doesn't mean that I have poor taste. It means that you're a pretentious asshole (who happens to be the same pretentious asshole that treated a lady friend of mine like dirt, as I learned later).

I've judged people for their taste in music before. But I think it's safe to say I've grown out of that.

Please, next time someone tells you they like an artist you don't like, don't judge them on that. Wait until you hear what ELSE they like before you say to yourself, "That person has poor taste." If the trend continues, then you can think their music choices are terrible.


Tricia said...

No one has ANY right to judge your music....but ME! Just kidding...I also enjoy the song "Firework," and I have yet to update my ipod because i like your mixes so much, and I'm lazy...I made a dude listen to all of "The Hand-Axing Ninja" recently and explained the meaning behind every song and reminisced!!!!

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