Thursday, May 26, 2011

Well. There's that.

So last week I went down to Kansas again for a camping trip that I'd been planning for quite some time now. It was awesome. Very relaxing, very beautiful, exactly what I needed.

And remember how in my last blog, I explained that I was getting a TON of hours at work, so I stopped looking for a second job? Well, that blew up in my face this week. I don't know what's going on, but I was scheduled for a mere 19 hours this week. So. There's that. I'm hoping I only got these measly hours because I just got back from vacation and they want me to get back in the swing of things... but we'll see. If next week's schedule looks as terrible as this week's, I'll be talking to my boss about it. Because I can't save up to move (which, admittedly, no one at work knows about yet), pay my bills, make payments towards my loans, AND live like a human being if I'm not getting more hours. I kind of can't help but feel like I'm being punished for something, but I don't know what that would be. Except traveling. But that would be stupid, because even with all my traveling I still made employee of the month. So... what's the problem?

Hopefully this is a one-time thing and I'll get a ton of hours from now on.

In other news, it's just going to be me and Emily living together in KC, which I am still A-OK with. I'm just happy to be living with her. We've both been looking around online, we're going to get together this summer and do some real, physical apartment-hunting. A lot of stuff near the Plaza is really affordable (NICE!), but I'm happy with whatever.

Not much else is new. Lady Gaga's new album is pretty stellar. Definitely her best one so far. Um... that's it.

Friday, May 6, 2011

I probably shouldn't be blogging right now.

I actually have to be up fairly early so I can enjoy at least part of my day. You see, as soon as I started looking for a second job, my boss decided to give me an ass-ton of hours. Which is GREAT... except it means a bunch of 9-hour shifts. Which are awful. I mean absolutely awful. It's not like a 9-hour shift in the costume shop over Summer Theatre, where you're sitting and chatting and sewing and listening to good music... No, this kind of 9-hour shift kills me. Catty customers, stupid customers, messy customers who bring their BABIES (we have silk dresses, people. They are not cheap.) It especially kills my back, though. And it's been crying for the past two days anyway. And I have a 9-hour tomorrow, and then another one on Sunday. (Mother's Day, of course, because why would anyone want to spend Mother's Day with their mom, anyway?)

But enough complaining. I'm getting hours, and I could use the money.

In other news, I have a small window of light peering through this dark tunnel of mine. (Yes. I am aware that that sounded emo. It was unintentional, but isn't it cool imagery in your brain? You're welcome, dear reader.) I went to Emporia last weekend to see their final show. Financially it was maybe not my best idea, but there are zero regrets here. I've figured some things out, and I talked to Jim (Bartruff) which I neeeeeeeeeeeeded, soooooooooooo bad. I told him I was thinking about moving to KC, and he told me these following words, "This is just me. But the year I decided to move to Kansas City was the year my entire career turned around."

It's kind of hard not to want to move when someone you respect and has such a world of experience says something like that to you. In addition, he listed off a whole slew of theatres he's worked with and has had contact with, to which he would be willing to recommend me, and reminded me that should I ever, ever need a reference I should not hesitate to list him. If that ain't encouragement, I don't know what is, and believe me, I needed that. Theresa also offered her assistance in the few minutes I got to talk to her, also stating that she has contact with some companies there, and that I should use her as a reference, and that she would say, "Yes! Hire her! She's good!" (Her words, not mine!)

Another part of this small window of hope would be the greatest joy: my possible future roommates. You see, I mentioned to Emily Warren that I wanted to move to KC and she pipes up, "Josh and I are planning on moving to Kansas City!" Now, I knew this already. But I assumed they would be living together. Nope. She continues, "Want to be my roommate?" She and Josh have decided (wisely, I think) that they aren't ready for the move-in-together step just yet, and her brother Dave is thinking about moving with her. Uh, does anyone see a problem here? Because I sure don't. I like Dave. I LOOOVE Emily. Three roommates = lower rent. This feels like a no-brainer.

The hard part is getting everything together... and soon. Because I told Joel if I don't move to KC then I'd move in with him, and although he's not acting on it, I think he's assuming I'm still going to live here because he wants to introduce me to a friend of his. I don't think friends introduce each other for anything but an actual serious relationship possibility.

It's a lot. And honestly, if I can't live with Emily I'm not sure I can move down there. But damn. Doesn't this all sound great?!