Sunday, May 20, 2012


Still in that interim between life periods. But there are some good things happening.

My non-admittance into grad school has only furthered my determination to go next year. I have made a list of my top schools (which seems to be growing all the time), and have changed my mind about the kind of program I want. I wanted to go for Arkansas because of its concentration on making a performer and not JUST an actor. Which is still awesome, but then I watched David Tennant and Patrick Stewart's RSC production of Hamlet... which completely changed my mind (and that's saying a lot since I was never really a fan of Hamlet). I want to become a classically trained actress. I've always really enjoyed Shakespeare, and my mentality has always been "If you can act in iambic pentameter completely believably, you can act in anything." So why not pursue it? It feels like the right path to take.

The only problem with this is that most of the schools I have on my list are extremely, extremely competitive schools. George Washington University, for one, which allows you to achieve your MFA in one year (IN.TENSE.), and even more competitive: University of San Diego, which works in conjunction with the Old Globe Theatre. With USD, you go to London and also work in the Globe Theatre. With members of the Royal Shakespeare Company. No big deal. They are, of course, not the only two schools on my list, but they are, by every definition, my top choices.

With this heavy competition coming up, I'm starting early. I'm picking my audition monologues out now so I can afford to be really choosy. And I'm losing weight (3 lbs this week)! So that's an ongoing process.

I may or may not have a roommate decided on for the fall. It all depends on if Mr. Jamie Hatton gets to move back to the US or not. It's REALLY up in the air right now so I'm not counting on it or anything, but I think he would be an awesome roommate. It all just kind of depends on the whole work visa situation.

If he doesn't get to move here, and if I can't find an alternative roommate, then I'll still live by myself (obviously) which is fine, but I'm still going to move out of this apartment. I heard my neighbor upstairs blasting KC and Jo Jo this afternoon, and I heard him fart the other day. No joke.

Which leads to another new thing: I am absolutely jumping on the job seeking scene. I applied for about six different positions last week, had an interview (I don't think it's a good fit though), and sent my resume out to eight more places today. I am absolutely, completely determined to not be living paycheck-to-paycheck anymore... I also want to be able to afford a nicer apartment, and have a set schedule that actually allows me to do theatre.

And now the final thing: I have an audition this weekend--the first one I've had here that's just for one single show, and boy, what a show. One of my absolute favorites, with one of my dream roles: Shakespeare's Twelfth Night. Needless to say, I'm hoping for a turn-around here. Even if I don't actually get to play Viola, I just want to be a part of it. I'll play Maria, I'll play a pants part, I don't care. I need to be doing theatre again.


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