Sunday, January 2, 2011

Just a few things.

Because I have a few updates, and none are related to each other, I'm going to put my thoughts into a list form.

1. In high school, I used to walk out of a movie theatre, and almost every time I did, I'd say "That's my favorite movie!" and it wouldn't be true for more than a few weeks. In college, I grew out of that, because I could no longer pinpoint one favorite movie. Instead, I made a top 5, and it hasn't really changed until this year, but those movies were never in any order anyway. A change has occurred. Ladies and gentlemen, Black Swan is now my favorite movie. It just... floored me. I've never felt more understood by a film before. I mean, I've been able to relate to films really easily, but I felt like Black Swan related to me (in an extreme form, I grant you). After it ended (and I surprised myself by this), I sobbed. I didn't cry, I mean I sobbed. If you haven't seen it, see it. ESPECIALLY if you are in the arts.

2. I say this every year, but this is the year it's going to happen because I'm not in the safety zone of college anymore, where I know I'll get cast because the directors know me and know what I can do: I'm going to lose weight this year. I need it for my health, yes, but I also need it for my career because I'm auditioning soon. And I'm doing it because I feel like it's for me now, and I feel like I have the time to devote to breaking down each day what I need to eat and what I need to do. And I have given myself a reward, which I have mentioned before: after I lose 35 pounds, I'm going to get a tattoo. It's something I want, but I don't want to get it unless I feel like I've earned it. I know not everyone likes tattoos. I don't like a lot of them, either. But I've been doing a lot of thinking, and I want to do it, and I know what I'm going to get, and it's going to be nice and small.

3. Even if I audition for ITAs in January and don't get anything, I think I'm going to move away from Omaha this year. Most likely it'll be to Chicago. If I don't get an acting job, I can more than likely transfer to another Banana Republic or a Gap store up there. I really need to be out of the safety net of my mom's house. I kind of hope I can live on my own, because I think I need it. Being responsible for myself will help me handle my money better and I'll more than likely clean a lot more because there is no one else I could blame, and no one else who could clean up after me. Also... I really want some privacy. I mean real privacy. I absolutely cherish my alone time, and I don't feel I get enough of it. I don't want to live alone forever, but I kind of can't stand the thought of not living alone, at least for a little while.

4. I'm going to start buying fresh ingredients all the time. Whenever I cook, I kind of rely on what my mom has--and don't get me wrong, she buys a lot of fresh foods, but there are some things that we both kind of cheat on because it's a little easier or a little cheaper.

5. I had some awesome Christmas presents this year. And I just have to share what a couple of them were. My mom got me a set of brand-new dishes! YAY! They're pretty cool, they kind of look like mosaics, but they're not... which is great, because it means there aren't any cracks in between little shards where food can get stuck in them. I won't be able to use them for a while, but I'm excited that I won't have to worry about buying dishes (except for a few glasses and silverware) when I move.  My dad got me a new digital camera, and I am very, very happy because I've needed one for a while now. I haven't been able to take a lot of pictures yet, but I have tested it out. I love it. But the BEST present I got is my new Kindle from my older brother. I'm in love with this thing. I was a little worried that I wouldn't enjoy reading on the Kindle as much as I enjoy reading a real book, but I've found that I really don't mind it at all. It LOOKS like a real book on the screen, and it's actually a little more convenient. I don't need both hands to turn the page, which is nice for when I need a drink of water or something. Good job, family.


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