Wednesday, November 28, 2012


So, if you happen to be attending U/RTA auditions/interviews this year, you can actually win a $100 Amazon gift card! This isn't spam, this isn't some kind of hack (what a joke on the hacker who hacks my account, right?), it's just awesome.

All you need to do is (after you're completely signed up for U/RTA) like their Facebook page here, and then write a blog post and share it with them.

Just like I've done here. You're welcome, post-collegiate America.
WHOA, haven't blogged in a while.

Have a dog. He's awesome and named after a Harry Potter character. (Claaaaassic Lindsay.)

I have a job, it's a big kid job, I like it.

Auditioning for grad schools again this winter, and I officially signed up for U/RTA today.

Those are the main bullet points. I really want to blog more, I promise!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

A new chapter

Got a new job, moving into a new apartment next month, and I'm seriously considering adopting a dog.

Oh, and this happened.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Lazy Sunday

I love that my boss gives me almost every Sunday off. I can relax for a bit before cleaning my apartment. Intensely. Because it's falling apart. (Literally. There is a piece of the ceiling in my bathtub.)

I'm still job-hunting though. I am a little frustrated at how long it is taking to find something, but I'm learning to be patient. I've had a couple of interviews, one wasn't a good fit, and the other seemed a little sketchy. I'm being picky about it because I want to make sure that if I'm hired somewhere, it will be a place where I feel comfortable. I wouldn't even mind staying in retail, as long as I'm not selling credit cards anymore. Or if it was a book store... I'd really enjoy working in a book store.

It doesn't look like Jamie's moving to the States anymore. And no wonder; I was curious about how easy it would be to get a work visa in Australia or England or France (you know, in case grad school didn't work out for me again next year)... It's wicked hard. Like, you kind of have to be a huge fucking deal to get any kind of a job outside of your own country, and in some cases the company has to prove that no one in their own country can do that job. Ridiculous.

I'm still looking for a roommate, online now. But I'm being flexible. If I happen to find a great roommate or two, then awesome. I'm not banking on it though, so I'm also looking at one-bedroom apartments... because I do like living alone. Quite a lot. It would just be cheaper and more social to have a roomie. Because it is HARD to be social when you live alone. Seriously. Very difficult, and it will be made more difficult when Emily and Josh move to Iowa, seeing as how most of my social time is spent with them.

On the audition front, nothing new. I didn't get the part in Twelfth Night, which was at first a little disappointing, but I found that I was very okay with it very quickly. At the call-backs I did feel like it was between me and one other girl for Viola, and I think she got it because stylistically, she would have fit in better with all of those emoting Orsinos and Olivias. (Seriously, there was a lot of emoting.) But it was still a fun experience, and I got to read for one of my favorite roles for an afternoon.

I think I may have a modern comedic monologue picked for future auditions. I think I'm going to give Durang a shot... I used it for my audition at the American Heartland Theatre back in April, and even though I have yet to hear from them at all, it did get me a couple of laughs. I'm going to work on it and we'll see how it goes.

Sunday, May 20, 2012


Still in that interim between life periods. But there are some good things happening.

My non-admittance into grad school has only furthered my determination to go next year. I have made a list of my top schools (which seems to be growing all the time), and have changed my mind about the kind of program I want. I wanted to go for Arkansas because of its concentration on making a performer and not JUST an actor. Which is still awesome, but then I watched David Tennant and Patrick Stewart's RSC production of Hamlet... which completely changed my mind (and that's saying a lot since I was never really a fan of Hamlet). I want to become a classically trained actress. I've always really enjoyed Shakespeare, and my mentality has always been "If you can act in iambic pentameter completely believably, you can act in anything." So why not pursue it? It feels like the right path to take.

The only problem with this is that most of the schools I have on my list are extremely, extremely competitive schools. George Washington University, for one, which allows you to achieve your MFA in one year (IN.TENSE.), and even more competitive: University of San Diego, which works in conjunction with the Old Globe Theatre. With USD, you go to London and also work in the Globe Theatre. With members of the Royal Shakespeare Company. No big deal. They are, of course, not the only two schools on my list, but they are, by every definition, my top choices.

With this heavy competition coming up, I'm starting early. I'm picking my audition monologues out now so I can afford to be really choosy. And I'm losing weight (3 lbs this week)! So that's an ongoing process.

I may or may not have a roommate decided on for the fall. It all depends on if Mr. Jamie Hatton gets to move back to the US or not. It's REALLY up in the air right now so I'm not counting on it or anything, but I think he would be an awesome roommate. It all just kind of depends on the whole work visa situation.

If he doesn't get to move here, and if I can't find an alternative roommate, then I'll still live by myself (obviously) which is fine, but I'm still going to move out of this apartment. I heard my neighbor upstairs blasting KC and Jo Jo this afternoon, and I heard him fart the other day. No joke.

Which leads to another new thing: I am absolutely jumping on the job seeking scene. I applied for about six different positions last week, had an interview (I don't think it's a good fit though), and sent my resume out to eight more places today. I am absolutely, completely determined to not be living paycheck-to-paycheck anymore... I also want to be able to afford a nicer apartment, and have a set schedule that actually allows me to do theatre.

And now the final thing: I have an audition this weekend--the first one I've had here that's just for one single show, and boy, what a show. One of my absolute favorites, with one of my dream roles: Shakespeare's Twelfth Night. Needless to say, I'm hoping for a turn-around here. Even if I don't actually get to play Viola, I just want to be a part of it. I'll play Maria, I'll play a pants part, I don't care. I need to be doing theatre again.

Thursday, April 19, 2012


So nix the part about me living with Em and Josh next year--Josh got into grad school! He and Emily will be moving to Iowa in the fall. I'm pretty excited for them.

Emily and I have talked a lot about our lives in retail. How neither of us want to get stuck. She applied for a couple positions at Americorps over the summer and today I've decided to apply for other jobs. I'm not exactly ruling out retail, but if I'm going to stay in retail I at least want commission. But I'm hoping for one of the receptionist jobs I've applied for at various medical institutes around the city. Ideally, I'd like to be working for a place that will give me some benefits and a decent salary. I've applied for three jobs so far today... so here's hoping one of them will pan out.

In other news, I'm trying to figure things out. Living situation, money situation, life destination, and all of that cheerful fun stuff. My dad sent me an email about the Peace Corps. I haven't ruled it out.

Monday, March 26, 2012


So, I didn't get into Arkansas. I was disappointed at first because at the time it felt like such a great fit... but now I'm actually excited to stay in Kansas City for another year. I love this place and I'd hate to leave it so soon. I'll try for grad school again next year; there are more programs that I like that will be admitting next fall so I'll go to U/RTAs this winter and hope for the best.

In the meantime, I can dive in to the theatre scene here, and not going to grad school means I can really commit to something. I auditioned for Theatre in the Park yesterday (I find out if I'm called back tomorrow), I will be auditioning for American Heartland Theatre tomorrow, and later in April I have two auditions, one for a local production of Next to Normal, and the other is for an original play that will be performed at the KC Fringe Festival! I'm not incredibly confident that I'll be cast in anything, but shit. It just feels so great to be auditioning, to be actively pursuing my passion again, that I almost don't care about being cast.

And I've started running again. Harrison George posted an article on Facebook a few weeks ago about Jerry Seinfeld's motivation technique. He would write jokes every day, and after he wrote them, he'd mark a big X on that day on his calendar. Eventually there's a long chain, and if you break that chain of X's you'll feel really disappointed in yourself. I've been applying that to exercise, and it's been working really well.

I'm eating better. Cutting back on carbs (I started by giving up pasta for Lent, and I like it), eating more vegetables and fruits, and cutting back on red meat (though that's mostly because of my recent discovery of cholesterol and heart problems in my family).

I feel refreshed and rejuvenated. The weather's great. I might live with Josh and Emily next year. I haven't felt this excited about life in a while, and it's fantastic.

Saturday, February 25, 2012


Dylan asked me why I don't blog anymore. So I visited my blog. I honestly didn't realize it had been THAT long. Sorry, dudes.

Update (for the sake of updating): I'm in Kansas City. I live by myself just off of the Plaza. I'm super happy here. I'm hoping to go to grad school in the fall. If I don't get in, I'm not exactly fussed about staying here another year.

I have kind of a skewed idea of getting into grad school. I did a lot of research back in November when I decided I wanted to go... and there were only a couple of schools that stood out for me (that were actually admitting for the coming fall). I emailed each of them, and Arkansas (which has been my number one this entire time) has been the only one good about getting in touch with me. I auditioned for them in December, felt really, really good about it and incredibly inspired by what I saw there. I'm waiting to hear from them next month (their last auditions are on March 13, so I should know a few days after that). And they're the only school I'm waiting to hear from.

Sometimes I worry myself by asking, "Why am I putting all my eggs in one basket?" To which I immediately answer myself, "It's the only basket I want right now." And I feel like I'm taking a very healthy view of this. I did the U/RTA thing. I think it's a great idea if you don't know what you're looking for (the way I was when I went) or if you have a lot of schools you're interested in, but not the funding to visit all of them (another part of why I went). But I now know exactly what I want in a school, and Arkansas has it. Sure there are other schools I like, but none of those are admitting this fall (damn that ever-popular three-year admission cycle). So if I don't get into Arkansas this year, I'll try again next year, and for more schools.

That's not to say I wouldn't be incredibly disappointed not to go there this year. It's hard; since it was back in December when I auditioned, I have no idea what they've seen, and even though I feel good about how I did, I don't know how that translates to my acceptance. It does make me feel good to know Jim Ryan put in a really good word for me since he's very good friends with the Acting Head there. But that doesn't guarantee anything, so right now I just try not to think about it or else I'll go crazy.

Other news... I gave up pasta for Lent. This is the first time I've ever given up anything for Lent. I eat way too much pasta. Seriously. Way. Too. Much. Pasta. So I'm stopping. Because I'm never going to lose weight if I just eat pasta all the time. And weaning myself off of foods I love doesn't tend to work as well as just stopping, so Lent it is. I'm giving it up completely for Lent, and when Lent is over, I will hopefully not crave it so much anymore. And if I do... well, I just won't eat pasta anymore.

And I'm now obsessed with Doctor Who. Oh my God. SO GOOD. If you have Netflix, you should watch it. You just should. But if you do watch, be warned: it can get very, very creepy. Like, store mannequins chasing after you creepy.

On a related note, I'm in love with David Tennant now. He is mine.

Until next time.